CX Stories From the Frontlines: Increasing First Response Time by 400% With the Kustomer Platform

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CX Stories From the Frontlines: Increasing First Response Rate by 400% With the Kustomer Platform TW

We’re back again with some fresh CX stories from the frontlines. In case you missed it, check out our previous issue on the blog, recounting real life anecdotes on how businesses have solved their customer service challenges with the help of Kustomer.

In this month’s edition, we discuss how a financial services company is improving agent efficiency, the power of data for a marketplace, and why intelligent routing is helping a subscription service deliver first-class service to VIPs.

Financial Services Company Gives Agents the Tools They Need to Succeed

A financial services company focused on making the cumbersome home loan application process as seamless as possible, had a problem. As is expected, the loan application process involves massive amounts of regulatory paperwork that simply cannot disappear, but they needed a way for agents to surface that paperwork and find customer information quickly.

The team leveraged Shortcuts Attachments to quickly surface things like detailed mortgage policy documents, shaving off a few seconds of agent handle time. While this doesn’t seem like a lot, this time adds up and ultimately defines staffing needs and impacts the overall customer experience. Additionally, the team is establishing new operational flows for their agents through Conditionally Required Attributes (CRAs). The loan process requires a litany of forms and stages to be completed, which often lead to additional forms. CRAs allow them to more cleanly track a customer’s stage in the loan process checklist during a key handoff period between agents.

Lastly, Timeline Pinning is proving to be a game changer for the business’ customer service agents. Now the agents are able to keep critical client and loan stage information right in front of the agent, eliminating the need to dig through old notes and documents. All of these developments are allowing the business to pull other teams in the Kustomer Platform and focus on streamlining their internal systems in a single hub.

Understanding Shipping Shortfalls Through Reason Codes

The amount of data that customer service organizations gather is a gamechanger. This information doesn’t simply impact the customer service organization, it can impact all aspects of a business, from the web experience and product development, to logistics and transportation. An international marketplace understood the impact of this data, and leveraged Kustomer to gather insights that could improve their bottom line.

The business is taking data gathered within the Kustomer platform, and both searching and filtering on particular data points to see where they are experiencing problems in different parts of the organization, with the ultimate goal of implementing process improvements. Specifically, they are currently using Reason Codes to pull reports for shipping operations, to show where they are missing the mark and working towards changing the process.

Monthly Subscription Service Supports VIP Customers at Lightning Speed

CX Stories From the Frontlines: Increasing First Response Rate by 400% With the Kustomer Platform Inline

According to recent Kustomer research, 83% of consumers believe that they should be treated better for being a loyal customer. A leading subscription service realized this, and leveraged the Kustomer Platform in order to deliver on that promise. The team tapped into the power of intelligent routing in order to jump VIP customers up to the top of the queue, and the impact has been tremendous. Their first response time for VIPs is now about 400% faster, all without having to set up an additional queue & routing team. Now that’s first-class treatment.

We want to hear from you! Let us know if you’re tackling CX problems in an interesting way and we will feature you in the next CX Stories From the Frontlines.


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