

Customer service agents sitting at their desks with a headset dealing with customer service burnout.

7 Tips for Agent Self-Care & Avoiding Burnout in Customer Service

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Happy customer service agent delivering an answer using AI

Hybrid Customer Service: Creating a Great Experience for Customers and Agents

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A close up of a person’s hands holding a mobile phone.
Best Practices

To Deliver Personalized Customer Service, You Must First Become Truly Omnichannel

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Customer service agent offering proactive support

Complete Guide to Proactive Customer Support

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Man sitting down in a coffee shop with a laptop and phone.

Multichannel Customer Support Is Not Omnichannel Support. Here’s Why.

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Why Proactive Support Is the Future

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A person looks at their smart phone and enjoys the e-commerce customer experience
Best Practices

4 Elements of E-Commerce Customer Service: Tips to Improve Customer Experience

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Customer service secrets podcast: how to manage customer journey mapping

Customer Service Secrets Podcast: How to Impress Your Customers with Jon Picoult

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Man with water, coffee, in a office

How Customer Service Conversations Can Resolve Tricky Situations

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Three people provide omnichannel customer support services. The person in the middle smiles at the camera while the other two look at their screens.
Best Practices

How Exactly Will a CRM Power Omnichannel Customer Support In the Future?

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The Rise of Self-Service: How Changing Consumer Demands Require New Options

Boost Agent Productivity and Empower Customers to Self-Serve With Kustomer’s Portal

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Woman looking on an Apple desktop with Kustomer’s AI changing customer experience.

How Modern, AI-Driven CRMs Power Intelligent Customer Experiences

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A customer service agent sitting at his desk with his office equipment and headset talking to a customer on how to improve online customer service.
Best Practices

7 Effective Ways to Improve Your Online Customer Service

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