Kustomer IQ

Drive Faster Resolution With AI

Deliver personalized self-service with real-time customer data

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Automate 24/7 Service Without Hiring an Army

Deploy custom bots across chat, social, and messaging applications to effortlessly handle repetitive service requests.

CRM Powered

Automate routine agent interactions and deliver personalized resolution at scale by connecting real-time CRM data to chatbot workflows.

Intent Detection

Eliminate manual triage by automatically detecting and routing bot conversations based on customer input.

Code-Free Configuration

Build and deploy sophisticated chatbot workflows with an easy-to-use visual interface and pre-built templates.

Learn more about our customer service automation solutions

Knowledge Deflection

Provide Instant Answers

Deflect common inquiries by surfacing your Knowledge Base content when customers reach out via form, email or chat.

Start Supercharging Your Agents With AI Today

AI and Customer Service CRM are better together. Discover Kustomer IQ packages.

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Agent Suggestions

Assist Agents in Their Moment of Need

Eliminate guesswork by deploying self-learning AI models that recommend best responses and actions to agents based on historical conversation data.

Sentiment Analysis

Calm Frustrations With Empathy

Identify exactly how customers are feeling without requiring agents to read large volumes of text, and prioritize conversations that need immediate attention.

Natural Language Detection

Personalize Global Support

Instantly identify customers’ origin language to route to a native-speaking agent or auto-translate messages for fast resolution.

Related Resources

Deliver personalized, effortless customer service.

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