
Meeting Customers Where They Are With Frictionless Social Messaging Support


Reduced average response time by 77%

Decreased messages per conversation by 21% thanks to faster and more efficient resolution

Company Profile

Customer Since: 2020

Number of Users: 8

Switched From: Zendesk

Favorite Features: Shopify, Facebook, and WhatsApp Messaging Integrations, Unified View of the Customer

The Challenge

To continue growing their high fashion brand while maintaining stellar customer experiences, Mai&Mai needed an easy-to-implement modern customer service platform that provided a unified view of the customer and integrations with Shopify, Facebook and WhatsApp.

The Results

    • Reduced average response time by 77%
    • Decreased messages per conversation by 21% thanks to faster and more efficient resolution.


“We live in a world where technology is radically changing companies’ relationships with customers. At Mai&Mai, we recognize that customer experience is how our customers perceive their interactions with us, above anything else. Partnering with Kustomer has given us the technology we need to enhance our interactions significantly, leaving our agents and our customers feeling satisfied and valued.”

Mauricio Tortosa, Sales and Marketing Director at Mai&Mai


The Story

Created in 2009, Brazilian retailer Mai&Mai has manufactured quality high fashion clothing for luxury brands and also to be sold personally by the company and its founders, Daniela Rizk and Luciana Aidar, to a circle of friends. In the second half of 2013, a new business plan was defined for the company. The manufacturing of clothes for third parties was abandoned, and the company started to focus on producing the confections of its own brand.

Before Kustomer, Mai&Mai used Zendesk Sunshine to manage its customer service operations and relied on WhatsApp as the main channel for brand interaction. Unfortunately, poor execution of WhatsApp, and a disjointed, siloed system, created a multitude of issues for the customer service team. Agents experienced a lack of confidence, rising frustration levels, challenging implementation and rules of engagement, and even multi-day system outages.

Without an army of IT staff and developers, Mai&Mai knew they needed an easy-to-use platform that would integrate with critical platforms like WhatsApp and Shopify without needing to hire outside IT consultants. “After dealing with many system bugs and high rates of agent dissatisfaction, we could not afford to let our customers suffer the consequences of our ill-equipped technology,” added Mauricio Tortosa, Sales and Marketing Director. “Luckily, Kustomer provided us with a value-added solution to address these major issues.”

Kustomer’s unified view of the customer allowed Mai&Mai to shift from looking at customers as tickets that needed resolution, to conversations that yielded improved CSAT and agent happiness. “Having a unified view of the customer history is THE most important thing for us.”

In addition, 100% of Mai&Mai’s marketing efforts go through Facebook and Instagram, using WhatsApp as the main channel to manage brand-customer conversations. Kustomer’s integration with Facebook and WhatsApp was critical to continued success in this realm.

Kustomer provided Mai&Mai with critical automation of key processes that boosted agent productivity by reducing the amount of time spent on manual and tedious tasks.

Another added benefit is the responsiveness, knowledge and commitment of the Kustomer team overall.


“Kustomer listens and supports us. We feel that we are part of the same team.”

Mauricio Tortosa, Sales and Marketing Director at Mai&Mai


What’s Next

Moving forward, Mai&Mai remains committed to customer understanding. “We define customer understanding as a set of practices that create a consistent shared understanding of who customers are, what they want and need, and how they perceive the interactions they’re having with Mai&Mai today. We are confident that Kustomer will continue to provide us with real, actionable insights for our customer base to continue growing our brand, while building brand loyalty for the long term.”

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