12 Reasons to Choose Kustomer

See why it’s time to ditch outdated CX and upgrade to Kustomer, the people-first customer service solution.

1. Connect agents to customer data

Kustomer unifies customer data from any internal or 3rd-party sources, so your agents have a holistic view of a customer’s experience with your business. From past conversations to outstanding orders to lifetime spend, there’s no limit to the customer information you can provide agents in Kustomer. What’s more, your team can not only view the data, but take action on it. For instance, if a recent order needs to be returned or you need to change a shipping address—it’s not a problem. Your agents can see it all and do it all without ever leaving Kustomer.


2. A single timeline view

All of this customer data is organized and displayed as a single timeline for each customer. Intuitive and fully-customizable, the timeline provides your agents an easy-to-use workspace that is a complete and actionable view of a customer’s entire history of interactions with your brand without having to switch tabs. As a result, the timeline puts your customers at the heart of the agent experience in Kustomer and enables you to take a more customer-centric approach to support.


3. True omnichannel support

For Kustomer, omnichannel support starts by giving you the freedom to communicate with your customers how they want via voice, web and mobile chat, email, SMS, and social. But, unlike other solutions it doesn’t end there. Kustomer breaks down the siloed support experiences that typically exist between each channel. By tracking every customer inquiry and agent response on the timeline, regardless of channel, agents can fully understand the nature of the inquiry and reply in real time, even if the customer has switched channels during the process. True omnichannel support in Kustomer is about supporting your customers across channels, while having their data and history available for agents to continually progress conversations forward without customers having to repeat information or take any steps back.


4. Conversations, not tickets

Your customers aren’t a series of issues that need to be resolved as quickly as possible. And their experiences with your company didn’t begin with their latest ticket. That’s why Kustomer is built for the way agents and customers communicate – personal conversations between real people. It’s the reason why the platform is designed to provide your agents with a complete timeline of each customer’s experience. Every conversation can be personalized with customer specific data and agents can take action during the conversation directly from the timeline without having to leave Kustomer. When the conversation is finished, it still lives in the timeline, just like a memory. With Kustomer, there are no ticket numbers or mentions of “do not reply.”

Discover a world without tickets. Schedule a personalized demo today.


5. Context for every conversation

These memories, the combination of customer conversations and events on the timeline in Kustomer, give your agents context for every conversation they have with a customer. By having the proper context, and even an understanding of how a customer feels through Kustomer’s sentiment analysis, agents are more confident and better prepared to quickly respond to questions, accelerate first call resolution, and decrease handle times. Ultimately, Kustomer gives your team a holistic, data-driven approach to not only successfully manage each conversation, but maximize the overall experience and lifetime value of each customer.


6. Automate your workflows

Eliminate tedious, inefficient manual tasks and augment the data stored in Kustomer using workflows to automate processes and take full advantage of the platform. Kustomer’s branched, multi-step workflows and business logic make automating even your most complex process possible in Kustomer. Workflows can even extend to leverage the data and events of connected external systems to drive automation in Kustomer. And while Kustomer’s workflows can automate the complex, they are easy to set up, so you don’t need to waste valuable development resources customizing technology to meet your needs.


7. Optimize queue management

Through an automated, intelligent, and omnichannel queue management process, Kustomer helps to reduce customer wait and handle times by maximizing team utilization without overextending agents. Instead of dispatching work or having agents cherry pick conversations, you can segment conversation traffic into queues based on specific conversation and customer attributes in order to direct your customers to the right agent. Kustomer will intelligently place inbound conversations from any channel into their proper queues and then automatically route them to assigned agents according to business priority, and the availability and bandwidth of your agents assigned to the queue.


8. Proactive engagement

With Kustomer, agents can give that additional personalized engagement that “wows” customers and builds lasting loyalty. Analyze and monitor your customers’ activity and optimize their journeys with informed actions by agents, marketing programs and automation. Expected delays in shipping? Website downtime for maintenance? New promo launch? Agents can create follow-up alerts and easily search and quickly segment customers to send proactive messages to customers that keep them informed and solve their problems before they even know they have one.


9. Seamless collaboration

Enable efficient collaboration with other teams by tagging in an internal collaborator. Agents can handle a conversation with another agent, or invite someone else in the company to join the conversation, such as billing or engineering. Features like Notes, Following, and @ mentions equip agents with the tools they need to efficiently collaborate with other teams and allow different team members throughout the company to efficiently help a customer.

Find out how you can increase agent productivity with Kustomer.


10. Powerful integrations

Kustomer is built to add new integrations easily and securely through a combination of APIs, webhooks, and workflows. Old CX and CRM solutions require complicated and expensive implementations which likely involve third-party service providers. The Kustomer platform is able to easily process information from and work with any other system, including home-grown ones. Whether it’s enhancing your customer data, expanding your channel reach, aiding data analysis, or making your teams more productive, Kustomer works with the systems your business uses. Our CX team is ready to advise and help you create the processes and workflows that your business requires.


11. Security and compliance

At Kustomer, we believe Trust from our customers is paramount. Our customers expect the application to be continuously available and properly performing while protecting their data and keeping it private. Security is something that requires many layers of protection throughout the application environment. It starts with team policies and procedures and moves on to tooling for continuous security monitoring and automation built into the software development lifecycle. It extends to our partners and trained third-party security professionals that provide guidance, ensure compliance, and validate security across all areas of the organization. We also recognize that complying with industry standards is paramount to our customers and why we maintain compliance for standards, such as SOC and GDPR.

12. Did we say no more tickets?

See why it’s time to ditch outdated technology (ahem, like ticketing solutions) and move to a next-generation, truly omnichannel platform. Start consistently delivering effortless and personalized service that values your customers as people and not issues to be fixed.

A 15-minute conversation is all we need to get started. Let’s talk!

Deliver personalized, effortless customer service.

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