Report: The Efficiency Mandate in Customer Service

The struggle to be efficient and effective, and strategies to achieve success

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are striving to be more efficient. And the customer service organizations within these businesses are no different. However, as customer experience continues to become more important than price and product when it comes to loyalty, the goal to provide exceptional experiences can at times feel at odds with the efficiency mandate.

The past year has brought immense changes and pressures to many businesses, and “doing more with less” is no longer optional. That’s why we wanted to know the efficiency pressures and challenges that CX organizations are facing.

Kustomer surveyed over 120 CX professionals in the United States, across a variety of industries, to better understand what the current environment is, what tools and strategies businesses are currently using to achieve efficiency, and how technology can play a more central role in turning CX organizations into profit centers.

Here is what you’ll find in the report:

  • Why efficiency is no longer options
  • How customer attitudes can determine strategy
  • Challenges associated with delivering efficient customer service
  • Tools to stay efficient and effective
  • Data by industry and business size
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