
Helpshift is a mobile-first, truly in-app customer support platform. Helpshift’s patented AI technology allows brands to save time and scale their support efforts while reducing user churn and increasing customer satisfaction.

Helpshift + Kustomer

Helpshift assists Kustomer by enhancing the in-app self-service customer experience for mobile-first brands who want to utilize powerful machine learning and AI. Personalize your in-app support with a platform that delivers a frictionless, scalable customer-centric experience.

  • Access additional ticket details, such as VIP customer status, purchase history.
  • Provide an exceptional self-service experience and keep your app users in-app.
  • Differentiate and prioritize your app users directly in your Kustomer timeline.
  • Provide your agents with a 360° view of your consumers to personalize the mobile experience.
  • Access all customers chats in Kustomer whether they go to an agent or not (all bot interactions can be seen).
  • Communicate proactively with app users to improve retention and expand customer spend.
  • Seamlessly handoff complex issues from bots to agents and agents to bots.

To book a demo of Helpshift + Kustomer, click here.

Deliver personalized, effortless customer service.

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