
Unlock Limitless Capacity

Scale smarter and faster with seamless self-service at every customer touchpoint

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Knowledge Base

Empower Customers to Help Themselves

Add an easy-to-navigate, searchable, and SEO-friendly help center to your app or website, and reduce contact rate at scale.

Search Engine Optimized

Support journeys start on Google. Make your knowledge base friendly to search engines by configuring titles, keywords, and tags.

Visual Theme Builder

Customize the look and feel of your knowledge base without writing code using out-of-the-box customizable themes and a visual editor.

Multi-Brand Support

Create multiple help centers to cater to different audiences, regions, or brands and localize content in over 76 languages.

Did You Know?

73% of customers prefer to use a company’s website, instead of using social media, SMS, and live chat for support. *Source: Dimension Data

Launch a custom branded help center within weeks.

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Deliver Instant Resolution 24/7

Integrate conversational self-service to answer simple and commonly-asked customer questions automatically and deflect support volume at scale.


Orchestrate contextual, personalized automation journeys by connecting real-time CRM data to chatbot workflows.


Drive end-to-end automation by triggering actions like process returns in third-party systems using chatbots.

Code-Free Configuration

Build and deploy sophisticated chatbot workflows with a simple, easy-to-use visual interface.

Major Cost Saving and Increase in Agent Efficiency

Forrester’s Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study of Kustomer showed chatbots drove:


Increase in Agent Efficiency


Reduction in Service Cost

Download TEI Study
Proactive Messaging

Provide Help Before It’s Needed

Preemptively identify and address customers’ needs to drive better business outcomes and reduce inbound support volume using proactive messaging.

Buyer Journey-Driven

Identify key moments to help customers and serve up targeted messages based on pages viewed, page URL, and more.


Extend CRM profile data to segment and proactively deliver tailored experiences for every customer.

Custom Push Notifications

Proactively announce key updates like delivery delays and customize message previews to protect confidential information.

Related Resources

Deliver personalized, effortless customer service.

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